While it may seem like a new trend, organic foods have really been around for much longer than the foods we’re used to eating. This is food that is grown and fed in a natural way, so as not to disturb the growing development or the person eating it. But with more and more labels claiming to be both “natural” and “organic,” it can get confusing standing in the aisle of a grocery store. When you see that the prices are a bit higher than “normal” food, you may doubt whether it is worth looking again.
What defines “natural food”?
Natural foods are defined as foods that do not undergo any chemical processing, either in the growing procedure or in the harvesting procedure. These are foods that do not contain pesticides or insecticides, fertilisers, or other toxins.
If you see organic foods that are prepackaged, it means that each of the components has also been processed organically. However, you should look for packages with the phrase “100%” or “certified” organic to know that all the ingredients are organic. If a package only contains the now generic term “organic,” it could mean that only a percentage of the ingredients are processed in this method.
Why choose natural food?
Many people are put off by the high cost that organic food seems to have. And with the reduced processing, these costs don’t seem justified. However, the reason behind the slightly higher prices is that these are farms that cannot produce as much yield as those that use chemicals. For example, by using a lot of fertilizer, farms can grow a lot more corn stalks.
But if you take this fertiliser away to grow organic corn, you may only get half that amount—and the farmer has to charge more. There are also some restrictions on how much money these smaller, sometimes family-run farms get from government sources. Without the additional monetary aid, these farms would not be able to make a profit without increasing their overall prices.
When selecting natural foods, you also support (in most cases) local farmers who grow healthier products. The food you consume should not contain any added toxins or chemicals. A number of scientific studies have shown that eating large amounts of these substances can lead to a host of problems—some cancers, diseases, and other health problems.
The toxins can build up in your body and start damaging healthy cells. And that’s no wonder, since nature never intended us to eat chemicals that have been added to our food. In addition, many people are sensitive to these types of chemicals, so by consuming organic foods, they can avoid any harmful reactions they would otherwise have.
What are the health benefits of consuming organic foods?
But the truth is that natural foods have many of the same benefits as eating “regular” foods. When you choose an apple (organic or not) over a bar, you make a better choice for your body. However, organic and natural foods can have additional benefits.
1) better-tasting food
2) There are no preservatives.
3) More Seasonal Options
4) More vitamins and minerals
5) Higher water content
6) More vibrant colours and appearance
7) Less likely allergic reactions
8) Cleaner and more recent food
Organic food also tastes better than mass-produced food because it isn’t forced to develop to get into a store ready to sell. Organic and natural foods are usually harvested when ready and then shipped to local stores for customers to buy right away—preserving freshness, flavor, and the highest vitamin content.
Today, there are many complementary products that are organic.
In addition to organic foods, you may also find some organic products that contain organic ingredients. You can find everything from shampoo to face cream, soap to laundry detergent in many local stores. This can help you avoid being exposed to as many toxins as possible, which is good for your health and strength.
Organic food is no longer limited to the small health shops either; many larger supermarket chains now sell organic and natural foods-sometimes at better prices than in the smaller stores. Many retailers see that people like the option to eat healthier foods, so they offer additional choices—at rates you might be surprised to read.